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Vinyl Cladding Installers, Melbourne, Victoria

Easy Maintenance

No more sanding & painting

Cleaning of Low Maintenance Vinyl Cladding

Low Maintenance & Maintenance Free Vinyl Cladding

Maintenance free cladding never needs painting

Maintaining and replacing boards are a thing of the past. Maintenance Free Cladding never needs painting and can be kept looking great all year round with little more than an occasional wash-down with a hose.

With very little maintenance vinyl weatherboards can be kept looking clean and new. We recommend that you wash your house 3 times a year to keep the Vinyl Siding’s appearance. Use a long handled soft bristle brush that attaches to your garden hose, start at the top of your house and work down to the bottom to prevent streaking. If any dirt, grime or soot is present and hard to remove, wipe down the Vinyl weatherboard with a solution of mild dishwashing detergent and warm water.

DO NOT use any harsh detergent or products containing bleach or insecticide.

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